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WordPress On-Page SEO Techniques to Rank on First Page

On-Page SEO Techniques To Rank On The First Page of Google 2017

Hello Friends, We know all WordPress developer & new blogger want to drive a huge traffic on their website. It’s all about the game of Keyword, Catchy page title, tags (On-page) & back links (Off-Page). All points cover in SEO.

Here we give you a brief overview on on-page SEO, by doing those trick you will be get a high traffic on your website.

So friends when we talk about SEO of a website or a blog. There are two factors which are

  1. On –Page SEO

  2. Off- Page SEO

Any website with high ranking supposed to be well focused on both these term. For a new blogger or website, It is so hard to pay a huge amount on advertiser for website traffic. So it’s better to grow with self working and get high rank.

Here we are talking about on-Page SEO which is includes the all content of any article. After reviewing an article we are getting the following terms.

  1. Page or Post Title.

  2. Heading Tags

  3. Meta Tags

  4. Permalinks

  5. Images

  6. Keywords

  7. Post Length (words count)

  8. Internal Linking

  9. External Linking

  10. Quality Content

All these point mainly cover on-page SEO. In Spite of these we can also focused on good content which is also be a main part which is attract audience and keep stick to your post.

So let’s start with it

  1. Page or Past Title

All the audience attract toward your Post just because of your Title and Image attached to that post. So it should have a unique, attractive and genuine title to get clicked and give your post a high rank.

More you get clicked more you have rank in search engine. You should use your focus keyword only once in your title as H1. Title should have length of around 60 characters.

  1. Heading Tags

On-Page SEO having a factor which effects content of post. You should use all the heading tags at proper place according to the content. WordPress have set H1 tag in title automatically. So there is no need to change anything. One H1 tags is enough in any post content, otherwise you can use according to your need.

After that give your main focus to give H2 and H3 tags which would be in a serial wise. They also convey the meaning full message to audience. Heading tags have a better user experience and give a well structured content to public.

  1. Meta Tags

All the post should have a relevant meta description. In meta tags you should also use your focus keyword. It give your post a better way in brief description on the search engine. When someone search your keyword, search engine also pick it from meta description so it’s important to keep you meta description user friendly and also that make a sense related to your post.

  1. Permalink

In Permalink you should use your post’s focus keyword. Make sure that your permalink is indicates a properly post title with dashes in between.

Keep in mind that do not use special characters, symbols, brackets, commas, etc. in the URL.

Example of Good permalink :

  1. Images

Your Website Images play an important role to attract visitor and stick to the content. Website Images give a better overview to understand that what about a post is. All the images used at website should use their “Alt text” with an appropriate keyword.

Blog Images must be in lower size because due to heavy images your website becomes slow speed in accessing page or posts.

  1. Keywords

To get high rank in search engine your website should having all the related keyword. You should keep the keyword density around 1.5% percent with a mix of LSI keywords.

Use your main keyword once in the first paragraph and again in the last paragraph. And use it in the content where it makes sense.

  1. Post or Page Length

Its well saying that content is king So your post must have at least 500 words in a proper format. It’s always better to be well-researched and overly informative than it is to not provide enough information. This is especially true if you’re targeting highly competitive keywords.

  1. Internal Linking

This will help your blog readers spend more time on your blog, and it will also help pass page rank to other pages of your site. Internal links that are relevant to the original post show search engines that you are providing extra information beyond what is being displayed in the content.

But make sure your interlinking is relevant and necessary.

  1. External Linking

External linking is also gives a proper way to strong your website SEO. it is a great idea to link out to external websites. Again, only do this if the information on the external website is relevant to the information in your post.

You should use dofollow links for trusted websites and nofollow links for those that are less trustworthy.

  1. Quality Content

Main factor for your better SEO is Content. Your post should be a complete manual for that keyword. You should learn how to engage your audience in a way that works for them. Try asking your readers questions and answering them. Understand what they want to read, and then write that.

If you are unable to write engaging content, people will not spend much time on your blog, your bounce rate will increase, and your rankings will plummet.


So Friends hope you like the article if you want to share any other on-page SEO point then Please share in comment box below.

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